Wendie Harper

Wendie Harper has been serving our community as a detective for the Tacoma Police Department since 1986. She graduated from Highline in 1972 and joined the Tacoma Police Department in 1975. She was named the outstanding police officer by the department in 1981.

In 1982, while responding to an armed robbery she came under fire. She restrained and arrested the felon without resorting to deadly force. For her bravery and other contributions Parade Magazine/International Association of Chiefs of Police awarded Wendie one of ten Honorable Mentions Awards as police officer of the year in the United States.

In 1987, Wendie received an Honorable Mention award for Police Woman of the Year at the International Association of Women in Police in New York City. After 11 years as a street patrol officer, Wendie was promoted to detective where she serves in the Special Assault Unit of the Criminal Investigation Division working with domestic violence. Wendie also has a bachelor’s degree from Western Washington University.