Donations Flow In for Marine Science Camp
Highline College’s Marine Science and Technology (MaST) Center recently received two generous donations to support its annual Summer on the Sound Marine Science Camp.
Totem Ocean Trailer Express gave $2,500 and an anonymous donor contributed $10,000 to support the operations and the cost of students to attend the summer camp.
“These donations make it possible for children from any background or means to participate in camp,” said Dr. Kaddee Lawrence, director of the MaST Center. “The MaST Center and our generous donors recognize this experience as a cornerstone for life‐long environmental stewardship.”
Summer on the Sound is a week‐long, half‐day camp that focuses on life in the Puget Sound for third‐ through fifth‐grade students who are passionate about science and the ocean. The camp was July 7–11 at the MaST Center.